Community Involvement
Every year Kishwaukee Rotary is involved in many things in the community! Here are just a few to spotlight!
Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary was able to award $4,000 to the Voluntary Action Center (VAC) to assist them in the expenses they encountered in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the expenses included purchasing equipment to assure the safety of the staff who interact with the public, such as gloves and sanitizing lotions, and purchasing additional food to ensure continual delivery of meals if there are shortages at local grocery stores.
For the past 24 years, Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary members participate in Meals on Wheels in April and October each year, delivering food to the elderly/ill/disabled of the county. A grant, written by member Marilyn Stromborg, was submitted to their Rotary District grant program, which provided additional funds to the award. It was selected for funding because it addresses the goal of community service, which is to encourage every Rotarian to find ways to improve the quality of life for people in their community and to serve public interests.

Ellen Rogers, Executive Director, stated that “this award will go a long way in helping us purchase the equipment and supplies to keep our staff safe in the difficult times.”
Pictured is club president and grant author, Marilyn Stromborg, presenting the check to VAC representatives.
Toys for Tots is something that we truly cherish every Christmas season! Our one and only Santa visits our club and collects financial donations and toys from each club member to then give to our local Salvation Army. In 2014 we collected over $1500 and tons on toys! Here is a photo from this years donation!

Feed My Starving Children is a local event where we team up with other local Rotary clubs!
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian non-profit organization committed to feeding God's children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: volunteers hand-pack meals specially formulated for malnourished children, and we send them to partners around the world where they're used to operate orphanages, schools, clinics and feeding programs to break the cycle of poverty. FMSC food has reached more than 70 countries in our history.
Rotary Work Day is something new this year where we collaborate with the Sycamore Rotary Club and help clean up the parks in our community! Here are some of our club members hard at work!